How do you manage your employee absenteeism?

How do you manage your employee absenteeism?

It’s not a surprise that from time to time your employees will get sick. People get sick; it’s simply a fact of life. But employee absenteeism due to illness or other unexpected reasons can put your business in a difficult situation. Consider this scenario: an...
Benefit fraud and what you can do about it

Benefit fraud and what you can do about it

Earlier this year, 223 TTC employees were dismissed, resigned or took early retirement to avoid dismissal after their participation in a multi-million dollar benefits fraud scam was uncovered. The fraud involved a health-care products and service provider issuing...
How to choose the RIGHT corporate wellness consultant

How to choose the RIGHT corporate wellness consultant

A well-designed and executed corporate wellness program leads to better productivity, less absence and disability, lower benefit costs and happier employees, all of which is better for your company’s bottom line. A workplace wellness consultant understands how to...
Can I see the bill? Understanding broker commissions

Can I see the bill? Understanding broker commissions

Imagine, as a business owner, you’re meeting a consultant for the first time. At this meeting you make friendly chit chat about the weather, your kids’ most recent hockey games or your weekend plans before getting down to business. A proposal is discussed, a plan is...