Roger Thorpe: Introduction to the Benefits and Wellness Superhero Symposium

Benefits and Wellness Superhero Symposium Event Preview

In the first episode of the Benefits and Wellness Superhero Podcast series, we preview the online 2021 Benefits and Wellness Superhero Symposium produced by Thorpe Benefits and The HR Gazette happening April 7th and 8th.

The symposium is designed to develop the skills HR needs to get proper leadership buy-in on group benefits plans. Over two days attendees will hear from guest experts in panels and join in with lively debate. Register here:

The agenda includes online presentations and lots of practical takeaways: 

  1. Top Trends in Benefits and Wellness
  2. What Companies are Doing to Manage the Area of Mental Health
  3. A Proprietary Measurement Tool that Determines the Success of Benefits Programs
  4. Strategies for Better Communication of Benefits Plans to Employees
  5. How to Control and Understand your Group Benefits Plan Pricing

This conversation was originally part of an HRchat podcast interview between The HR Gazette’s Bill Banham and Roger Thorpe, Founder at Thorpe Benefits. Listen to the full show here:

About Roger Thorpe

Roger Thorpe is President of the integrated benefits and wellness consulting company, Thorpe Benefits. Having joined the firm in 1997 and later acquiring ownership of the company in 2005, Roger has built a team of senior consultants that understand group benefits inside out.